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日期: 2017/03/13 11:02

人民日报记者  强薇



全国政协委员、北京大学国家发展研究院名誉院长、著名经济学家林毅夫在接受人民日报采访时表示, 2017年政府工作报告最大的亮点是展现出了一种信心,相信政府工作报告中提到的6.5%左右的这个增速目标能达到。










China has capability to realize 6.5% growth in 2017: economist

By Qiang Wei from People’s Daily


A biggest highlight of China’s 2017 government work report is to declare the country’s confidence in its economy, a renowned economist told the People’s Daily, believing that China has the ability to realize the growth target set in the report.


Justin Yifu Lin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that though quite a number of international and domestic challenges still lay ahead China’s economy, the around 6.5 percent target is attainable.


“The Chinese people have the courage, ingenuity, and ability to overcome any difficulty or hardship, and the Chinese economy possesses potential, resilience, and strengths,” he gave the reasons behind the conclusion by citing the words of the report.


“China is the fastest growing economy in the world, and contributes over 30 percent to world economic expansion each year,” he commented on the significance of growth.


Lin predicted in 2012 that China has the potential to keep growing at 8 percent for 20 years starting from 2008. His forecast was doubted by some after China slowed down its economic growth in recent years.


Lin, also Honorary Dean at the National School of Development at Peking University, explained that there must be difference between potential and reality, citing the trees as an example.


Even belonging to the same species, some trees well-nourished will tap their full potential and grow taller than their peers, the economist elaborated.


Economic growth rely on continuous increase of labor productivity driven by technology innovation and industrial upgrade, but China lags behind the developed nations in this subject, Lin pointed out.


“As a medium developed country, China has its own advantages as latecomer. Some latecomers in similar conditions indeed posted an annual 8 percent to 9 percent growth in 20 years. So China has the possibility to realize the growth,” the scholar continued.


“But obstructed by a weak recovery of world economy since the outbreak of financial crisis in 2008, the growth potential of China is not fully leveraged,” Lin added.


He said that his judgment was based on analysis of essential factors. “Most people are pessimists, so someone described me as an optimist. But I in fact belong to an objective faction,” Lin added.




Justin Yifu Lin gives interview to the People’s Daily. Photo by Quan Yajun

A screenshot of Justin Yifu Lin when giving exclusive interview to the People’s Daily

Photo taken in December, 2016 shows Justin Yifu Lin delivering a speech themed with “Belt and Road” initiative at a forum held in Kuala Lumpur. (Photo source: National School of Development at Peking University)

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